Monday, May 17, 2010

Inertia and Self Doubt

As I told 'an interested party,' this blog is primarily for myself. To get me writing and to get me thinking of issues that I want to bring out in this novel, about structure, about influences, about character, and even, yes, about marketing or creating a buzz about this thing if it ever does near completion and any interest is shown in it.

I've found through experience that as far as I am concerned, plain old inertia and exhaustion--also self doubt and talking yourself out of sticking to a creative work--are by far my worst issues. Talent, usually--check. Structure and understanding all that--check. Time and other needs or fulfilling other peoples' 'needs,' or image issues, or what others want to pigeon hole you with, can also be a problem.

And then there is jealousy. Strange thing with that, though, is that only you can produce what you want and need to produce, regardless of any fame or notoriety deserved or undeserved, making the whole thing a moot point in reality. Something for the lazy.

And I'm feeling lazy.

Maybe ideas of plot structure are in order after all. This is like building a house or cutting up firewood and stacking it--innately practical and delivers and instant and obvious evidence of having produced something immediately.

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